Such a serious look! Pretty sure she must have been in a daze still after her hair styling session a la Aunt Becca. As with most of our recent posts, this was shot with a 50mm 1.8, 400 ISO, flash fired, 1/200 second. Converted to b/w using Picasa 3.
Fine Art Images by Ben and Beccalee Munson | photos@benandbeccalee.com O'Fallon / St. Louis Portrait & Lifestyle Photographers
2 Reader Comments :
Hey how the heck are you? I have been meaning to call you but mt phone got wet and I lost all of my contact information. But I wanted to let you know that Scott, Beckett and I are coming in town from the 17th to 23rd. I want to plan a time to get together. Give me a call so we can plan something and so that I can get your number. I know...I am such a loser...:) Cute picture.
I love this picture!!!
She looks worn out from too much fun!
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