"D'ya think we'll regret this, laddy?" was the question I had to assume was going through the minds of a few thousand folks the other day... For me, I feel like I got sort of lucky this St. Pat's Day, as I found myself plopped right in the middle of them in
Kansas City, Mo., and at the center of an insane "Green Day" party (and I'm not talking about
Billy Joe), a perfect photo op. Who knew Missouri had it in her to celebrate one of the most random holidays like the Mardi Gras'ers down south and the Chicago'ns up north? Quite the group of people, as evidenced in the 70 shots I'm sharing... From solo acts to super groups, Kansas City's
Power and Light District was packed with people on Tuesday all day (when do they work?). It was a huge change from just the evening before, when practically every restaurant there was empty or closed (despite a strange claim somewhere that the PLD is buzzing all 24 hours)...

WAIT!... I promised 70 photos, and I'm sticking to it. In the interest of space and for the sake of un-neglect, you can see the rest on our
Journeys page.
Click here for the other 50 or so shots.
1 Reader Comments :
Why doesn't Ben take some pictures of your pretty little face sometime?!
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