Today we got to hang out with one cool cat ... he was very composed all day and set a very good example :) during his church blessing. The church service just may go down in the record books for the longest sacrament meeting ever (so it's a good thing he was on his best behavior!) -- two baby blessings, two and "a half" missionary farewells, a "there-is-no-end" closing song and a five-minute closer brought the meeting to just over 1.5 hours in length. The after-party (and we all needed it) was held at Steve n' Sherry's; all in all it was a day of good food, friends, lots of family, and fun... oh and some fotographs ... Want in on the crazy fun? Visit our Picasa album now and click "Slideshow."
2 Reader Comments :
Cute pics! I wish I had your photography talent. It's just not there for me...and/or my camera just stinks. Either way, my pictures don't look half as good as yours. Do you touch them up with Photoshop or something?
Well thanks you ... you are right thought, it does help that we invested a tad bit in some super nice cameras and equipment. We actually run every photo we take through a program called LightRoom, by Adobe. We LOVE it!!! Editing the photos is sometimes more fun than actually TAKING them :0)
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